I am a great mom! This is not a sentiment that I accept all of the time and often struggle with feeling like I’m being enough for them, but not today. It isn’t because the house is organized and well kept because it’s not. It isn’t because everything is meal prepped and the kids are eating healthy, because it’s actually the day after a Halloween and the kids have been eating candy for the past 24 hours. I’m not even a great mom because I searched the world to find them the perfect costumes, even though I did do that lol!
I am a great mom because I did what I normally do. I woke them up with kisses and sang our morning song. I helped Layla back into her costume from the night before.

I sat at a kids table 4 sizes to small for me and colored with them. I probably spent to much time on the phone, but they watched me pray for a friend in need. My little mischievous Ethan fell twice and before I could get to him I watch his sister kiss him and say, “you’re okay Ethan I’m here.” I made some home style fries and watched Ethan literally lick his plate and give me the biggest smile. I watched my daughter clean up her area and head to bed for nap time and as I laid her brother down I could hear her gently singing, “Yes Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so.” Oh how my heart melted and I held back tears as I kissed her on her forehead. In every moment today I felt like a great mom not because of what I did but simply because I was present, in the moment with my little miracles. I wasn’t consumed with my checklist of things, or how I’ve walked over the same piece of paper on the floor for the 4th time lol, instead I was present. I could feel every once of love in their smiles and they could feel every drop in my embraces. I know it can be hard to celebrate all that we do as moms especially because there is ALWAYS something to do, but we have to celebrate ourselves more, be present, and in the moment, because one thing I’ve learned is time stands still for no one. One day we will look up and we will be looking up at our children. It’s okay to celebrate yourself, embrace your ups and your downs, enjoy the journey, and embrace the process. Your kids deserve it & You deserve it too! So shout out to all the amazing mommas out there that are holding it down, doing their thing, and somehow make it look easy! So don’t hesitate share with me.... why are you a great mom?!?!